Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Wonder Wall

I wonder.....

Why it matters who sits where on the couch.

Why my baby's diaper gave out - as soon as I picked him up today.

Why the pink bowl or the pink spoon or the pink plate has to even exist.

When my skin will recognize that I'm way past puberty.

How I'm going to finish my 802 page book in time for book club.

How one extra tiny person can create so much more laundry.

If my hacking cough will keep me up all night.....again.

If my hacking cough has anything to do with my disdain for dusting.

If all kids start attitudes this early in life or if its just mine.

If anybody noticed that I didn't fix my hair today.

If it's lame to bow out of my New Year's Eve party so I can go to bed at 10:00 instead.

If it will ever be in style to keep a Christmas tree up all year round.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up girl! I have many of the same thoughts...different colored plates and bowls though! =) And no, no backing out of a party!! you can do it! Happy New Year to you my friend!


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