Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Re-Hash

Now that January is here am I the only one who feels like Christmas was ages ago?! Here's a quick recap of our holiday cheer.
A few days before Christmas we headed down to the Enchanted Forest to see Santa and make sure he knew just what we wanted from Christmas.......if there are any questions about what we asked for see "Letters to Santa"! Being that we were the only people there at the time there was no standing in line waiting. We just hopped on the "train" and headed to the North Pole - which is surprisingly quick to get to. In fact, the whole thing took us about 15 minutes.....and then we headed home.

On Christmas Eve Abby and Brooklyn took the stage to re-enact the Christmas story. Abby was Joseph, Brooklyn was Mary, purple baby was Baby Jesus and had to start off under Mary's shirt (obviously!) and Uncle Travis was the Donkey (he looks a little donkish don't you think?). We were going to have Jace play Baby Jesus to make it extra realistic but I was more than a little worried about Brooklyn being on a donkey and being in charge of safely holding her baby! We had to run through the play twice so that the girls could switch roles, of course. And by the way, Purple Baby continues to be called Baby Jesus......

This is Christmas morning. Our girls didn't get up until 7:30 and then came straight to our bedroom. I don't think they even remembered it was Christmas until we reminded them! Being that the girls have birthdays just before Christmas they are pros and ripping open those presents once Christmas hits!

Jace got a new chew toy ...... and looks a little worn out from watching his sisters in action!

Anybody want a scoop or two of ice cream?

After ripping open all our presents and getting cleaned up we headed to my parents house for Christmas lunch. I was in charge of the scalloped potatoes and a raspberry roll which turned out just perfect for those of you remembering my pumpkin roll incident!

Merry Christmas! By the way, the Christmas cards never happened at our house this year.....sorry. But that does not in any way mean that I don't appreciate the beautiful cards you all sent! I loved them and please do not remove my name from your mailing list!!


  1. I can't believe how much Brooklyn has grown since we left! Glad you had a good Christmas.

  2. ahh trav is kinda donkey looking! :)


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