Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Big 34

Happy Birthday to me.  And to my twin.  And to my mom.  My (our - I am a twin, remember?) birthday is on the 13th and my mom's is on the 18th.  What a birthday present we gave my mom, right?  Who wouldn't want cuddly 5 day old twins to help celebrate?

Nothing too exciting happened.  In fact we got home late from.... something (I can't even remember what it was) and just pulled out a frozen cheesecake. But then I thought to myself "That's not a birthday cake."  So I made one a few days later.  The day before my mom's birthday, in fact.

And my dad happened to come by and noticed my freshly baked cake and asked if I could bring it to my moms party.  So I did.  And this is us with our birthday cake.

I must say the closer I get to my mid-thirties the more I wonder where time is going.  Age doesn't bother me until I get old.  And I feel like 40 is flirting with old age ( I understand it's all in perception and I am aware that I was sharing a birthday cake with someone ahem, over 40 and she probably doesn't share my perception - just a disclaimer.).  And once you hit 35 it feels a lot closer to 40 (aka old age) than 30.  And I realize 40 is the new 30 and everyone is getting healthier and more fit but lets be honest, 50 is 50 and that's half a century no matter how look at it.  Anyway, enough about that.  Thirty-four is looking just fine and I don't feel any older so that's a plus.  I made sure to make the most of it by reminding my children quite often that I was the birthday girl.  I think it worked.  It gives me at least a day of children obeying me.  Sometimes a week if I really milk it;)
Happy Birthday to me!! (And my twin and my mom)!

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