Saturday, December 1, 2012

Brooklyn turns 6

And the November birthdays continue!!  Brooklyn turned 6 on the 26th and she is loving being a whole year older.  I, on the other hand, am wondering where the time is going?!!

Brooklyn with her presents.  She usually gets Christmas wrapping paper for her birthday.  She doesn't mind. 

Abby somehow always ends up with at least one present on Brookie's birthday and this year was no exception.  Grandma Lu figures if Abby is getting the same present as Brooklyn  on her birthday (2 1/2 weeks later) than why not just wrap it up and give it to her now.  Abby totally agrees.

Brooklyn's cake.  She doesn't like cake.  But she requested this cake. So I made it.  And she didn't eat it. It tasted different than she thought.  Oh well.  We'll try again next year. 

Abby was helpful by videoing the singing part of Brooklyn's birthday.  So she wasn't involved in helping blowing out the candles like Jace was.  I'm not really sure if Jace cleared it with Brooklyn, but I am pretty sure that Jace blew out half of those candles! 

Things about Brooklyn at age 6 -

-she loves the monkey bars at school
-she is completely shy around lots of strangers (she got a stomache by just going to a bday party alone for a friend in her class - we're hoping she outgrows some of it!)
-loves to entertain Colby (yay!)
-has recently discovered the "side part" and thinks it makes her look like she has bangs
-Captain Crunch is her favorite cereal
-arguably the best hugger in the house
-hates waking up in the morning and is slooooow to get out the door for school
-brushes, and brushes and brushes her teeth before school and before bed - if you hurry her up she has a melt down and insists her teeth are not clean

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!!

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