Friday, January 20, 2012


Ok. The answer is yes. I've had too much "at home" time. It's been almost 3 weeks since I've actually left the house (except to go to my parents house which doesn't really count),days since I've gotten dressed (and by dressed I mean out of my pajamas and into my sweats), and I haven't even thought about my flat iron let alone turned it on. A shower? Only if you consider the periodic spray I get with the "water pistol" during diaper changes. From what I hear newborn urine is sterile....
Anyway, poor Colby is getting the brunt of my "stir craziness".

I thought I'd try my hand at newborn pictures (which is extremely difficult by the way) and also at crocheting (who doesn't love an oversized elf hat?). What you don't know is that I have a whole bag of photo props that I've been diligently working on for months now - hammocks, stork bags, hats, etc. I don't know how much time I've spent on YouTube looking up double crochet, single crochet and magic circles. Did you catch that? I taught myself to crochet - all for a few cute pictures of my newborn! Insanity. That's what it is.

Isn't he cute? He did his best to cooperate. These types of things take a while to perfect....and a growing belly makes it even more difficult pose! Did I mention Colby gained over a pound just this week? Makes it quite difficult to stuff that kind of belly into a small garbage can!

You might be wondering where all my other props are. Well wonder no more. Those pictures didn't make the cut! They turned out more like torture chamber devices rather than cutesy newborn props. Like I said, it was hard work to get what I got - just ask my mom. And I'm worn out from trying to make naptime into glamour time. I'm done with it and Colby is definitely over it! No more dressing up - at least until Halloween!


  1. They look great! I think you should try another shoot.

  2. I don't know why you are saying Colby didn't cooperate....he looks content to me! They turned out cute and so did the hat!


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