Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Who doesn't love an Easter Egg Hunt? I know my girls have a great time looking for those brightly colored eggs. We were lucky enough to have two hunts this year and it's a good thing we had both planned. The city Easter egg hunt started at 9 in the morning and is for ages 0-12. We do this hunt every year. We met together and then they divided the kids into 3 age groups and took them to different parts of the park to hunt. Unfortunately, as the older kids (7-12 year olds) were being led to their part of the park they passed through the 4-6 year olds hunt site. And they proceeded to pick up all of the eggs. Poor Abby was so sad. She had been so excited to hunt eggs. She showed us how fast should could run and was dreaming of all the eggs she was going to get. They didn't even blow the whistle for her age group to start. There was absolutely nothing left to pick up. They ended up doing another hunt just for her age group later that day. That didn't make Abby feel any better so we took her to the Donut Shop right after to cheer her up. Nothing like an all day sugar high!

Brooklyn was able to do her hunt. She filled her basket without any problems but she was also the oldest in her age group. We'll see how she does against the older kids next year!!

Later that day we went to my parents house where their neighborhood put on a hunt for the kids in their neighborhood only. They had a bazillion eggs and not many kids so we ended up with a sack full of candy. These pictures are the ones from the neighborhood hunt. I thought it was great. The kids had lots of fun and they really didn't have to fight over the eggs because there were PLENTY!
Abby wasted no time in getting started.

Here's Brooklyn just getting started. She began by gathering only the colors of eggs she liked best. I had to convince her to come back for this ugly green one!

This is Abby running through the field for about the 3rd time. This is at the end and all of the eggs had been picked up but Abby didn't want to quit!

Jace hung out with Grandma and watched while I took pictures. He even got to pick up an egg and it had a quarter in it!

Brooklyn with her stash. By the way we emptied their baskets several times so they ended up with a lot more than shows.

And afterwards we were given sugar cookies and drinks. Who could ask for more? Really, this was the best Easter Egg Hunt we've ever been too!

The neighborhood kids.

Resting after all that running.

Happy Easter!

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