So anyway, back to the point. My children will probably never have a living, breathing pet. Sometimes I get sad for them. They love animals. But then I get over it! But here's the thing. I did it. I found them a great pet. We actually inherited it but still.
Here it is. It came from my insect, bug, nature loving neighbor. It's a cocoon. Soon to be a pet:)
See, really, I have to do nothing with it. Just watch it for a little while and dream of the day that it emerges from its cocoon and flies away! (I never said it would be a pet for long! That would require buying a home for it. And food. And possibly cleaning a cage? I don't really know. But I don't have to find out!)
Anyways, did I say we were waiting for it to hatch? Well, surprise! It did hatch and here it is!
It's actually not a butterfly. It's a moth. I don't know the official name of it but it's pretty cool looking.
Check out that body. Pretty amazing. And BIG!
And here is Abby taming her new pet! Brooklyn was a little scared of it. I really didn't think it would ever hatch. (This one hatched at my neighbors house. The one in the other pictures is the one that we took care of.) We have two more cocoons and I know for sure one is gone. We're still waiting on the other one but we're losing hope. So the girls were thrilled to wake up and check on their cocoons and find a moth sitting in the box.
And then we put it in a nice safe corner of the yard and the next time we checked on the moth, it had left to find a new home! See how easy was that. A pet for a day! The girls weren't even heartbroken. They were just happy they had been able to play with the moth for a little while!