So, back to Jace. Now that he's a been in the world for a whole 6 months he's changed quite a lot. He's finally starting to grow some hair back. Back you ask. Well that's a completely different story that gets me fired up. Every time I think about it. So instead of sky rocketing my blood pressure I'll keep my explanation brief and only raise it a little. There is a man at church who claims to know lots about babies and can't help but say hello to the little ones. By saying hello I mean grabbing my little newborn's head with his big hand and rubbing the scalp until it shone. Like I said, I get a little furious every time I think about it. So lets move on. Jace's hair is growing back!
He has also mastered sitting up on his own. Well, maybe not mastered. I do have to stay by him in case he suddenly lunges for some toy or something but he's getting it. He loves his exersaucer which is a huge help. Brooklyn never took to it so it's nice that we didn't just throw money away on it! He's getting too big for his swing but I will happily admit that I am in denial. Hopefully the weight limits haven't been exceeded! He's never taken a pacifer but recently enjoys being in charge of pulling one in and out of his mouth. Just to pass the time. Occasionally I find him sucking his thumb and it really is kind of cute! He hasn't started sleeping throught the night yet and in fact is regressing in this area! Unfortunately there are some nights we see quite a lot of each other!! I think it's time for Operation Daddy/Baby nights:)
And because it is getting close to Darren's birthday, I decided I would post a picture of the hunters. WARNING!!! If you are a naturalist STOP here. Animal lovers GO NO further!!
Well, there's really not much to say except that the hunt was a success! This is Darren (middle) and his dad and brother.
This was another hunting trip. Darren's friends from Utah came out. And just for the record Darren gives a lot of this meat to family's who are in need of food here in Lamar.
This is a little known member of our family. We call him/her Blue Bear. Blue Bear has always been a he. Until recently. In this picture Blue Bear is obviously a girl. This is Abby's favorite thing in all the world. Abby sleeps with Blue Bear every night and has for as long as we can remember. If you look closely you can seen some white areas on Blue Bear. That is what he used to look like all over. He is getting very worn! Abby dressed up Blue Bear and then asked me to take a picture. I couldn't say no! Doesn't she look lovely?